Radionuclides undergo radioactive decay through emission of alpha and beta particles or gamma rays. There are about 2000 known radionuclides present in the earth. These naturally occurring radionuclides are ubiquitous trace elements found in rocks and soils. During groundwater flow modeling the computer code numerically solves a system of algebraic equations and this matrix represents the approximation of the partial differential equation of groundwater flow system. The presence of radioactive elements in the groundwater depends on the geology and geochemistry of the rock formation. Groundwater is one of the likely pathways for radionuclide transport during accidental releases from nuclear facilities, such as power plants, fuel processing plants, and mining or milling operations. The groundwater models are also used to calculate the fate and transport of contaminants for dose evaluation. Groundwater model is a computational method that represents an approximation of a groundwater system, which involves simulation of flow in an aquifer and its response to various input/output systems.