Fermentation science is known as zymology and this system is an ancient technique of preserving food and beverages. Yeast ferments sugar to alcohol and it has been postulated that this preservation was used in the B.C. era. In just the food area there are in excess of 100 different food items that are preserved by fermentation (https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/List_of_fermented_foods#Fermented_foods). This type of food preservation is conducted in most areas of the world not only for its keeping ability but also for its flavor. Meat fermentation is a biological preservation method that requires little energy, and results in unique and distinctive meat properties such as microbiological safety, flavor and palatability, color, tenderness, and a host of other desirable attributes of this specialized meat item. Lowering of pH could also be accomplished by simply adding acid (e.g. vinegar, lemon juice, etc.); however this does not have the same desirable flavor as that produced in fermented products. This difference is speculated to be caused by other flavor desirable microbial metabolites which are formed during fermentation in addition to the production of lactic acid.