Geospatial technology has revolutionized water resources development and research by expanding our knowledge of terrestrial environment system and processes. However, geospatial techniques cannot substitute ground-based methods towards providing high quality data at a point scale. e high superiority lies in mapping conditions at regional, continental and even global scales and on a recurring basis. is chapter discusses the importance and value of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System (GIS) and points out the challenges in this  eld that should be taken care of by researchers, policy makers and practitioners in order to view the technology in a proper perspective.

 INTRODUCTION Earth's physical environment and resources undergo certain, inevitable and virtually constant changes that often seriously affect or even threaten the well being of humans. A growing population with limited water resources poses a competing environment for different sectors such as industrial, agricultural and domestic needs for sustenance (Tilman et al. 2002). Water being a physiological necessity and its assessment, conservation and management has great concern for all those who