In this chapter, we highlight aspects that relate to carbon nanostructures (fullerenes, SWCNTs and/or MWCNTs, and graphene) and their role in providing advanced functionalization and integration with silicon nanocrystals (Si-NCs). The fabrication of Si-NC/nanocarbon composites can be achieved in some cases with simple solution-chemistry methods; however, optical and, in particular, electronic coupling has suffered from the weak interactions produced with these methods. Therefore, the possibility of forming covalent Si-NC/nanocarbon nanojunctions, for instance, without any metal catalyst, is an exciting scientific opportunity. Synthesis of CNTs on Si-NCs can be achieved through careful control of the Si-NC surface characteristics; in some cases, surfactant-free Si-NCs with oxygen-based terminations have resulted to be one of the main requirements for successful growth. Oxygen coordination on the Si-NC surface can have a strong impact on the chemical bonding with CNTs as well as on the optoelectronic coupling between the two nanostructures.