Microwave (MW) heating belongs to the so-called new, innovative, or emerging thermal processing technologies that have been developed or are still under investigation with the main aim of overcoming some typical problems associated with conventional thermal technologies. These problems include cost and environmental aspects, but rst of all, the thermal impact on food quality, particularly in terms of loss of nutritional quality. In fact, irrespective of the main purpose of the heating process (preservation, development of taste and avor, changes in structure to obtain a specic texture), a certain level of thermal damage will occur. Food technologists and engineers have been working in the direction of minimizing such thermal impact following a concept of total food quality, which cannot consider only the safety aspect

8.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 137 8.2 Principles of Microwave Heating ................................................................... 138 8.3 Food Applications of Microwave Heating ..................................................... 141

8.3.1 Pasteurization and Sterilization Applications ................................... 141 8.3.2 Baking and Cooking Applications .................................................... 147 8.3.3 Heating and Tempering Applications ................................................ 148 8.3.4 Drying Applications .......................................................................... 149 8.3.5 Extraction Applications ..................................................................... 150 8.3.6 Microwaves Impact on Food Quality ................................................ 151 8.3.7 Safety Properties ............................................................................... 151 Biological Hazards ............................................................. 151 Packaging-Related Chemical Hazards............................... 153 Other Chemical Hazards ................................................... 154

8.3.8 Sensorial and Nutritional Properties ................................................. 155 Starchy Foods..................................................................... 155 Vegetable and Fruit Products ............................................. 168 Animal Products ................................................................ 169

8.4 Industrial Processing Implementation of Microwave Technology ................ 169 References ................................................................................................................ 171

(which is, indeed, a prerequisite that needs to be guaranteed for any food product) but also the nutritional and sensorial quality of the nal product.