Age, generally refers to the “length of life,” or “existence” or to the “later part of life.” By all statistics, the world’s population is getting older and people over 65 are going to outnumber their counterparts by 2050. The American Geriatric Society prefers to use the term older adults as opposed to elderly as it is associated with frailty. Surprisingly, when asked how they feel, the older adults often remark that they often feel younger than their years or say that the best years are yet to come for them. In the prehistoric societies, the physical and mental health of older people and the society’s economy dictated the view of older adults. Depression, dementia, and anxiety disorders are found in older adults that may impact quality of life and may require institutionalization. There is a difference in the way older adults exhibit cognitive deficits, some showing significant deficits while others performing as well as young adults.