The term “substance abuse” is most simply defined as the excessive use of one or numerous drugs. In general, most people typically have access to various types of drugs, including legitimately prescribed medications, and on average, will benefit from their appropriate use. However, the term “substance abuse” may be applied to a variety of situations or circumstances where these drugs or medications are misused. For example, one person may intentionally be abusing a multitude of substances including illicit drugs, prescribed medications, and over-the-counter remedies (i.e., supplements, herbals, diet aids, etc.). This is in contrast to another individual 106who may only be taking a single medication, but deliberately using it in a manner that is not consistent with normal therapeutic use. It stands to reason that when an individual begins to abuse one or more substances, and uses them in an uncontrolled manner without the appropriate oversight, they place themselves in a potentially harmful or lethal situation.