Parking is an integral function ofmechanizedmobility, to keep inwaiting, andmaintain available vehicles that are used to connect the places where its user(s) carries out his or her activities. Reciprocally, for a building accommodating an economic or social activity (e.g. shop, service), the availability of parking places close by provides access opportunities for “clients’’ from further afield and thus determines a recruitment area for potential customers. For this reason, both customers and “suppliers’’ of activities are interested in parking and the availability of places for two-or four-wheeled vehicles. In urban environments, these places aremobility facilities that may be private (in a private building), semi-public (e.g. shop car park) or public (on a road or in a special car park), but are always located on a territory. When space is scarce, facilities are more likely to be built constructions; in densely populated environments, “parking silos’’ constructed underground or as a superstructure can be implemented to provide large capacities.