Many asset owners in civil infrastructure struggle how to cope with Life-Cycle Civil Engineering challenges. Corporate responsibilities forces organisations to give hindsight in the way resources are spent. In addition the current economic situation addresses the need to be transparent. Thus unacceptable spending of both public and organisational resources is a key element for each stakeholder. Civil assets in general are often highly cost intensive assets that require essential maintenance in order to maintain functionality, safety and performance.

In the Netherlands, an asset management method like (semi-) quantitative Risk Based Maintenance (RBM) is specifically used to maintain civil assets during its life-cycle in order to achieve cost effective control over these assets. Whenever the required maintenance then also is outsourced, knowledge about the (semi-) quantitative RBM method, roles and responsibilities of related organisational processes become key elements of successful Risk Based Asset Management.

This paper addresses the organisational and process challenges involved RBM.