A large part of the Netherlands’ motorway network was built during the 1960’s and 1970’s. Assuming a design life of 80 to a 100 years, a substantial amount of renovation or replacement of infrastructure is to be expected in the coming decades. As renovation or replacement of structures requires a substantial amount of resources, a careful planning and decision making process is required. A framework for this type of analysis was developed, originally aimed at waterway infrastructure. This framework guides the search for replacement strategies. The starting point for the analysis is provided by an estimate for end of service life and an analysis of functional and spatial developments affecting the infrastructural system. As a next step, possible courses of action for replacement and renovation form the basis for the design of replacement strategies. Adaptation pathways can be used to structure and analyze strategies. Replacement strategies are evalua ted in both quantitative and qualitative ways. The method is illustrated by the case of the bridges in the A44 motorway in the Netherlands.