Surgery is normally timed after a year of real life experience. However, once masculinising hormones are started, many changes, including voice deepening are irreversible, so breasts are inappropriate and may hamper progress with full real life experience. The aim of mastectomy and chest-contouring surgery in the female transsexual patient is to remove breast tissue and redundant breast skin, to contour the chest by feathering out the adjacent fatty tissue and to convert the female nipple–areolar complex to the male appearance. According to breast size and skin quality, under general anaesthetic with an overnight stay after surgery. It is preferred that mastectomy is not combined with phalloplasty. Hormone therapy is not stopped for this surgery. The results of breast surgery in gender reassignment are judged primarily on the cosmetic outcome. A gender dysphoria clinic will usually have an association with a surgeon with experience of gender reassignment breast surgery.