The International Classification of Diseases version 10 divides transvestism into fetishistic and dual-role types. Dual-role transvestism is a disorder of gender identity. Dual-role transvestism is a disorder of gender identity. Dual-role transvestism may represent a stable way of life. Dual-role transvestism often follows fetishistic transvestism, and may precede transsexualism. The change from dual-role transvestism to transsexualism tends to be steady and even in pace. Autogynaephilia is a disorder of sexual object. Fetishistic transvestism is cross-dressing in a sexual context. Men are said to display dual-role transvestism when they spend a significant portion of their life in a female role, valuing the expression of female feelings this allows. Men displaying dual-role transvestism tend to dress in clothes appropriate to their age and the social setting, and sometimes to an age greater than their own. Dementia can present to a gender identity clinic, particularly if there is a preceding history of dual-role transvestism.