This chapter describes obesity in boys and young men. In addition to cardiovascular disease risk factors childhood obesity is associated with increased prevalence and/or severity of orthopaedic conditions, pulmonary conditions and gastrointestinal conditions. C. Summerbell et al. reviewed 22 obesity prevention interventions in children, 19 of which were pre-school/school-based. There is a lack of United Kingdom school-based prevention programmes targeting obesity prevalence, and whether or not United States programmes are transferable is unknown. Arguably one of the biggest difficulties with child and adolescent obesity is the challenge of measurement and identification. Similar to adults, children and adolescents are popularly classified using body mass index. Given that between 50 and 80% of overweight and obese children will become overweight or obese adults, action is required in the paediatric population. The presented outcomes demonstrate the potential of both residential weight loss camps and inpatient treatment programmes as forms of effective treatment programmes for obese children and adolescents.