Q1 Which intra-abdominal organ is the most frequently injured in children due to blunt abdominal trauma? A liver B spleen C kidney D pancreas E duodenum

A1 B Among the solid organs, the spleen is the most frequently injured in blunt abdominal trauma, followed by the liver and kidney. The pancreas is injured in approximately 3% of the cases of paediatric blunt abdominal trauma. Children are more susceptible to solid organ injury after sustaining blunt abdominal trauma because of distinct anatomical differences compared with adults. The abdominal wall is thinner with less fat and muscular padding, resulting in more intense energy transmission and closer proximity to vital organs. The ratio between the size of the intra-abdominal organs and the torso is higher than in adults, also making them more vulnerable to injury. Because of smaller body mass, children are more likely to incur multiple organ injuries. Children also have a higher incidence of upper abdominal injuries (i.e. liver and spleen) because of more flexible ribs.