Q1 The classic triad found in prune belly syndrome (PBS) comprises which of the following? A hypospadias, bilateral intra-abdominal testes, deficiency of abdomi-

nal wall musculature B deficiency of abdominal musculature, ventricular septal defect,

bilateral intra-abdominal testes C bilateral intra-abdominal testes, prostatic hypoplasia, renal dysplasia D deficiency of abdominal musculature, bilateral intra-abdominal

testes, anomalous urinary tract E deficiency of abdominal musculature, renal dysplasia, unilateral

undescended testis

A1 D The classic triad found in PBS, also known as the triad syndrome or EagleBarrett’s syndrome, is deficiency of the abdominal musculature, bilateral intra-abdominal testes and an anomalous urinary tract. Urinary tract abnormalities may include variable degrees of hydronephrosis, renal dysplasia, dilated tortuous ureters, an enlarged bladder and a dilated prostatic urethra. Patients do not typically present with unilateral cryptorchidism and rarely have palpable testes. Additional associated anomalies may involve the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, cardiac system and musculoskeletal system.