Prescribing cost targets were introduced for all practices on 1 April 1991. At most Family Health Service Authorities (FHSAs)/Health Commissioning Agencies (HCs) prescribing advisers are responsible for setting, or recommending, prescribing budgets for practices. Planned national prescribing expenditure is determined centrally and allocations are made to Regional Health Authorities/Regional Offices (RHAs/ROs) by the National Health Service (NHS) Executive. Apart from the number of patients in a practice, the one variable which is known to have a major influence on prescribing costs within practices is the age/sex distribution of the practice population. Visiting practices to discuss prescribing is a large element of the work of most FHSA/HC prescribing advisers. National or local initiatives are likely to alter prescribing costs, either up or down, and this should be recognized in setting budgets. Health Commissioning Agencies are likely to take an increasing role in deciding what services, including prescribing, they wish to purchase on behalf of their populations.