This chapter explores the need to revolutionize maternal fetal medicine by returning the maternal (M) to the maternal–fetal medicine (MFM) subspecialty by introducing a new paradigm of care composed of novel technologies and comprehensive services in order to reduce maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. MFM was established a few decades ago as a multidisciplinary subspecialty dedicated to optimizing pregnancy and perinatal outcomes. The MFM subspecialty emerged from the need to combine diagnosis and treatment of both the mother and her fetus in cases of high-risk pregnancies. Although the maternal and fetal medicine subspecialty was originally introduced to equally address fetal and/or maternal aspects of pregnancy management, the main focus of MFM is the diagnosis and treatment of fetal complications and improving neonatal outcome. The importance of improving maternal healthcare and services can leverage on recent achievements of the medical research to introduce a strategic plan and policy.