The depth of the burn is classified according to the affected skin layer. Superficial or first-degree burns affect only the epidermis; these burns are erythematous and oedematous and they resolve in about a week without scarring. Partial thickness or second-degree burns are divided into superficial and deep if the papillary or reticular dermis is affected respectively. Superficial or first-degree burns do not require any special treatment. Aloe vera ointments and protection from the sun are sufficient measures to promote healing. For partial-thickness burns, excision of large blisters and debridement of the eschar under sedation is necessary for proper burn care. For most superficial partial-thickness burns, topical creams such as silver sulfadiazide followed by the application of a membrane dressing are enough. Often, large burns require extensive coverage that can be achieved only through the use of temporary substitutes such as porcine skin.