Foot and ankle problems are quite common in the community. Although Achilles ruptures are not commonly seen in primary care, a missed diagnosis has significant implications. Traditionally, Achilles tendon pain has been referred to as Achilles tendonitis. However, studies have shown absence of inflammatory mediators in tendon biopsies of chronic Achilles tendinosis. In the vast majority of patients with ankle arthritis, there is a history of previous injury either in the form of a sprain or fracture of the ankle. The other common cause is inflammatory arthritis. A bunion, therefore, refers to an enlargement typically on the medial aspect of the great toe. Plantar fasciitis condition is the most common cause of heel pain in adults. Absence or loss of medial arch of the foot is defined as flatfoot. Problems with this tendon lead to a flattened arch and a progressive valgus deformity.