Using BIM models and associated data, to enable visualisations of how the built environment will be constructed, appear and be used is increasingly well established. The potential to combine these visualisations and the associated data with game technology to illustrate, by ‘gamification’, the consequence of a decision is being explored in this research project. For example, the components and products that could all potentially meet the brief but might have variable impact on the environment, programme and procurement, durability as well as cost could be selected but not necessarily in the optimum combinations, depending on the drivers. By creating a game ‘template’ which is called ‘Playconstruct’, these varying parameters can be installed then selected in game play and compared to achieve the optimum solution for the project and the reasoning captured and illustrated. The benefits should be the engagement of parties interested in the design and construction process as well as the owners and end users. There is also potential for the principle to be beneficial in the broader education and training sectors. For example, illustrating to students the consequences of decisions in a fun and interactive way. Also where training methods can be enhanced by the game experience and scenarios created that are only limited by the imagination of the game designers. This has the potential to be able to create simulations to illustrate circumstances and consequences to be avoided, such as damaging underground services during excavations, or reinforcing good practice. There are many such instances where unnecessary cost and injury occur, despite no doubt rigorous training and toolbox talks etc. that the complementary use of Playconstruct simulations might reduce. The game template can be adapted to suit almost any process in any sector. The illustration of the consequences of decisions, both good and bad, in real time which previously may not have become apparent for some time is likely to find many applications. The technology will bring some of the time served traditional training methods right up to date and have the power to elicit during the currency of the game play a response from what could be far in the future.