This research examined the regulation of commercial whitewater rafting declared by Indonesia Tourism Ministrial Decree number 13 in 2014. In order to meet 20 Millions Tourists in 2019 and become competitive in ASEAN Economic Community, this certification began mandatory in 2017. This government regulation was being tested to three differences Rafting Operator, which has different scale of business and different characteristics of river. The Ministrial Decree consist of 7 chapters and 20 articles also were formulated in three aspects such as Products, Services, and Management, with 10 elements and 53 sub-elements. This research was conducted by qualitative descriptive survey and had the sample of respondents who have been well informed and trained by local government and well informed for Ministrial Decree. Furthermore, to gather specific information, this research was conducted by in depth interview to the senior employee and licensed in Indonesian Rafting Federation (FAJI). The result showed that three rafting operators were not compliance with the standards. However, most of the respondents were suggesting another correction of standards in managerial aspects, and should have scoring system because every sub elements were not weighing equally.