Indonesia has the beach tourism area is always crowded visited by domestic and foreign tourists. But behind the charm beauty of its beach, it is very prone to natural disasters tsunami caused by an earthquake or volcanic eruption, one of the most appropriate way to provide education to tourists and the people who live tourist location is by convey information through signage. The problem is still a lot of coastal tourist area in Indonesia does not have signage designs according to the standard good signage design manufacture. The purpose of this research is observed and analysis of beach tourism area signage Anyer-Carita and Pangandaran beach to measure how precise that media is made according to the theories of signage. Obtained data showing that there is no uniformity on design signage in the Indonesian tourist beaches, still existence signage that do not meet the criteria of making signage correct. It required a design guide signage is good and right and can be used for tourist beaches in Indonesia. So that people can be educated and be alert to the signs of tsunami.