Bandung Basin is important because this area is one of National Strategic Area (NSA) in Indonesia. Its social media popularity is shown in the use of #explore bandung Instagram hashtag that has reached millions of photos. The purpose of this study is to describe the Bandung Basin image from the user side that uses #explorebandunghashtag. The study used a qualitative design with a descriptive approach using purposive sampling technique. The data were collected through in-depth interviews and observation from various informants, both the original Bandung residents and tourists visiting Bandung. The data were analyzed using Miles and Huberman’s model. The results indicate that the image KSN Bandung Basin is good and positive. In addition, the form of the activities using #explorebandunghashtag related to Bandung Basin mage is to attend the activities of Worldwide Instameet (WWIM) that held is by Explorebandung community.