In the 19th century iron and steel constructions began to take a prominent place for constructing large building. For the construction of the Colony chapel in Merksplas, architect Victor Besme designed a truss arch supporting the roof to create a large open space in the chapel. In 1822 the "Benevolent Society of the Southern Netherlands" was created, which founded an Unfree Colony for vagrants in Merksplas, Belgium. The vagrants colony consists of several listed buildings including a chapel. The chapel, built at the end of the 19th century, was designed by Victor Besme in an eclectic style. Large metal truss arches provide an open structure. The chapter deals with the structural analysis of the roof trusses of Merksplas Colony chapel. A restoration project has taken place in 2012-2014 to restore the arch trusses, skylight and roof structure of the chapel. The colony of benevolence of Merksplas was established in 1825 as a social experiment to counteract poverty.