Mayakovskaya was the first station of a new design type, a deep triple-span column station, where the central vault was supported by colonnades on each side instead of traditional pylons. The lining of the station was made of prefabricated cast iron segments. "Mayakovskaya" is believed to be one of the most beautiful and famous stations of Moscow metro. It was constructed in 1937 and two years later its designer, Alexey Dushkin, was awarded Grand Prize of the 1939 New York World's Fair. Years of operation since that time resulted in multiple failures of waterproofing and drainage system caused by ground waters as well as deterioration of many structural and decorative elements. In 1986, 1997, and 2008 samples of leaking water were taken for analysis at the station, in the traction equipment chamber and in escalator tunnel. Test results showed that the composition of water was altered greatly by various man-made activities in surrounding media.