The Acropolis of Athens is the most outstanding ancient Greek monumental complex still existing in our time. Among the standing monuments on the Acropolis hill, the Perimeter Wall serves a pure geotechnical purpose, since it functions as a typical gravity wall, retaining the backfill that forms the plateau of the Acropolis. Monitoring of specific critical areas on the Hill and the Wall has been applied during the last years. In particular, strain and acceleration optical fibre sensors were placed on the South Wall and the methodology used has been presented, as well as characteristic results during the previous years. The valuable help of Ms. V. Eleftheriou, Director of the Acropolis Restoration Service and Ms. A. Chatzipapa, Architect at the Acropolis Restoration Service, should also be acknowledged, as well as the contribution of D. Kokoris, G. Dimopoulos and A. Raftopoulos, graduate students at National Technical University of Athens.