The growing needs for sustainability demand that all asphalt concrete layers in an asphalt structure can be produced with high quality, low production temperature and using high percentages of reclaimed material. By using LEAB bitumen foaming technology, binder/base layer asphalt mixtures containing up to 60% reclaimed material can be produced at about 110°C with good performance. The lowered production temperature results in 25% reduction of CO2 emission and 40% reduction in energy. With the support of the European LIFE+ program it is shown that a prous asphalt layer can also be recycled horizontally. The reclaimed porous asphalt is first decomposed into reclaimed stone and reclaimed mortar. By rejuvenating and foaming of the reclaimed mortar, and mixing with the reclaimed stone, porous asphalt is designed containing more than 90% recycled material and produced at around 110°C. This porous asphalt is proven to be identical as the hot mix in terms of mortar and mixture performances.