Games are an interactive activity designed for diversion and entertainment purposes. Video games have been utilised in education, health, engineering, military, politics and business to bring together user-centred experiences that add pedagogical values, including fun and competition. Physical activities that are dose-response sufficient to enable improvements in fitness and reduce risk of cardiometabolic diseases are recommended by new guidelines. Exergaming began as an active video game designed to fulfil objectives specific to a serious game’s objective, which is to promote active bodily movements instead of the traditional sedentary gaming. Exercise is known to be a subset of leisure time physical activity that is planned, structured and repetitive for the purpose of conditioning any part of the body. Sports-type exergaming, such as Move Boxing or GameCycling, has also been steadily introduced as an alternative to traditional methods of exercise among individuals with physical disabilities. Exergaming environments have documented evidence of pain distraction whilst exercising.