The National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) is the mission high performance computing facility for the Department of Energy’s Office of Science. NERSCs newest supercomputer, named Cori after Nobel prize winning biologist Gerty Cori, introduces the NERSC user community to the advanced energy efficient architectures necessary to reach exascale levels of performance. Benchmarking is essential for ensuring that high performance computing (HPC) systems provide correct results and satisfactory performance, both upon installation and throughout the lifetime of the machine. The Cori system supports both traditional HPC simulations as well as data analysis workloads. The majority of existing HPC applications deployed on NERSC resources use Message Passing Interface as their primary means of expressing parallelism after the transition from vector to distributed memory architectures. The Cori system has been configured to support both large-scale simulation as well as extreme data analysis for the broad Department of Energy, Office of Science workload.