Ladakh, being a cold arid high-altitude desert of the Trans-Himalayan region of India, has very harsh climatic conditions and a short agriculture season. Capparis spinosa also called the 'caper' and locally known as Kabra is one of the oldest of the known medicinal plants of the Amchi system which is occasionally used by local people of Ladakh as a leafy vegetable and forage. Ladakh is quite rich in medicinal flora, and many traditional herbs have been shown to have medicinal value that can be used to prevent, alleviate or cure several human diseases. Products made from sea buckthorn that have medicinal value are still rare in Indian markets, which should be increased substantially. Sea buckthorn fruits contain 60–80% juice rich in sugar, organic acids, amino acids and vitamins, and are among the most nutritious of all berries. Sea buckthorn has been studied extensively for its antioxidant properties.