This chapter explains the prevalence of idiopathic colitis and chronic mucosal alterations in the existing colony of 269 cotton-top tamarins, based upon a one-time examination of colon biopsies from each animal. In July, 1986 the New England Regional Primate Research Center in collaboration with the Gastrointestinal Unit of the Massachusetts General Hospital initiated a 5-year study funded by the National Institutes of Health to define the natural history of the chronic colitis and colonic carcinoma of cotton-top tamarins from infancy to adulthood. The prevalence of acute and chronic colitis was similar in male and female tamarins within each of the four age groups. Under ketamine anesthesia, a 4.9-mm colonoscope was passed into the descending colon and the colonic mucosa was examined for abnormalities. Biopsies were taken under direct visualization including suspicious areas when present or from two areas, one high and one low when no abnormality was noted.