The cuvettes spin past the stationary light beam of a photometer which continuously measures the absorbance, displays it on an oscilloscope, and processes the data according to programs provided by a mini-computer. This unique concept initiates multiple reactions simultaneously, processes a batch of standards and samples under identical reaction conditions of time and temperature, and provides an excellent tool for absorbance measurements under nonequilibrium conditions since the reactions are continuously available for monitoring. When Union Carbide took on the commercialization of this idea another inherent unique feature of the concept was exploited: the ability to take absorbance measurements as early as 2 sec after mixing of the reactants. The Centria® Incubator/Separator is the heart of the system, where incubation and separation of the reactants are performed. When the incubation of a typical Centria® System assay is terminated, the incubates are transferred to the columns as usual.