This chapter reviews the level of understanding of the cytogenetics of haploid tall fescue and suggests where additional information would be of benefit. There is nothing intrinsic about haploids or doubled haploids that make them unique in regard to the application of standard cytological techniques. Several different cytological techniques have been utilized in published reports concerning tall fescue haploids and doubled haploids. The term haploid used to refer to any cell, tissue, and/or individual having the normal gametic chromosome number. A basic genetics that can benefit from the careful use of haploids is the study of the genetic control of chromosome pairing in tall fescue. Haploids permit to examines chromosomal relationships in the absence of any genetic chromosomal "pairing mechanisms" inherent in the second parent in interspecific or intergeneric crosses. The introgression into any species of characteristics from related germplasms is largely a function of the probability of recombination between homoeologous chromosome segments.