Mechanisms involved in biocontrol can be classified into hyperparasitism, antagonism by production of antibiotics, competition for nutrients and/or space, and induction of resistance in the host. Biocontrol of coffee rust can be desirable as an alternative to chemical control measures which may upset the balance between natural enemies and coffee pests, like coffee leaf miner and mites. Growth of Verticillium was most rapid for 1 and 6 hours wetting periods, longer periods causing delay in hyperparasitic development. Germination of conidiospores of the hyperparasites started normally after 8 to 12 hours, reaching its maximum after 20 to 24 hours. Besides its hyperparasitic action, Verticillium may also antagonize spore germination and lesion development of H. vastatrix. The information on the potential of hyperparasites or antagonists in control of coffee rust is still very limited. The study of other hyperparasites of H. vastatrix is an open field of research, although their apparent rare occurrence in nature suggests limitations for practical application.