This chapter focuses on techniques employed to implement the models, evaluation of the lung injuries, and related experimental findings. It discusses research issues relevant to these models of lung disease. The chapter briefly summarizes the chief morphological and pathogenetic differences between these models of IgG and IgA immune complex-induced lung injury. Ultra structural examinations of injured rat lungs have provided useful information in delineating the pathogenesis of IgA and IgG immune complex-induced lung injury. The rats are maintained in pathogen-free, laminar flow rooms before use in experiments. The rat is then released from the mounting board and the antigen plus permeability indicator is injected intravenously through the penile vein. A large number of experimental models have been developed to investigate the putative role of immune complexes in the pathogenesis of tissue injury. Determination of permeability index has provided a reproducible, quantitative method for assessing lung injury.