A major impediment to fruit and vegetable crop diversification in most countries is the presence of several fruit fly species of economic and quarantine importance. Species of economically important fruit flies are of great concern to most countries and are particularly important to developing countries in the production, in-country marketing, and export of host fruits and vegetables. A fruit fly-free area is an area with no detectable populations of a particular fruit fly species. Fly-free areas of both models may be on the edge of the geographic distribution of the fruit fly species or in biologically marginal areas of the target species. The host range list of fruit flies is the most important tool for making decisions on quarantine pests. The agencies in charge of a fly-free area should have a four-part program: exclusion, detection, eradication/management, and public information. Programs of fruit fly-free areas have been adequately developed and have benefited both exporters and importers.