Several types of chichory exist: coffee chicory, curly endive and endive. Botanists group them in two species: Cichorium endivia L. and Cichorium intybus L. The species Cichorium endivia L. brings together the true endives which have been cultivated since ancient times in the Mediterranean Basin. These are annual or biennial plants having leaves that are glabrous, lobed, and deeply serrate. Little work, has been done on the flowering of the entire plant. In order to be induced to flower the endive must undergo a treatment of low temperatures, which can be applied to germinating seeds, or to the entire plant. The flowering in vitro of root fragments obtained by Paulet and Nitsch is only possible if the roots receive a cold treatment of 4 weeks. However, the root is not the only organ capable of giving neoformed flowers: they have been obtained from floral scapes and from leaves taken from vernalized plants.