The genus Telopea R. Br. (Proteaceae) has 4 species confined to southeastern Australia: T. speciosissima, T. mongaensis, T. oreades, and T. truncata. 1 , 7 , 19 , 20 Recent taxonomic studies suggest that T. mongaensis may be the same as T. oreades and have also indicated that there are considerable differences between populations of T. speciosissima. 6 There are also several interspecific hybrids in cultivation. The plants are evergreen, woody, perennial shrubs or trees which grow in dry sclerophyll forest or temperate rain forest. They are known for their large red inflorescences (Figure 1). T. speciosissima is grown as a commercial cut flower 21 and garden plant and steps are being taken to grow T. truncata as a cut flower. 5 The plants grow vegetatively from spring to summer or autumn, while the flower buds, which appear in late summer or autumn, develop during winter and the inflorescence and flowers open in spring.