Helicobacter species have been cultured from the stomachs of ferrets, non-human primates, dogs, cats, and cheetahs. Other gastric helicobacters elicit naturally occurring gastric disease in several species of animals. The pathology of Helicobacter- associated gastritis in the ferret model has many similarities with the human disease. The oral amoxicillin-metronidazole bismuth combination could be used as the standard regimen against which other potential anti-Helicobacter treatment protocols could be evaluated. A new Helicobacter species, Helicobacter nemestrinae, has been isolated from the gastric tissue of one pig-tailed macaque. The genus Helicobacter is rapidly expanding, due to the isolation of new species from a wide range of animals. The infection appeared focals, based on inconsistent positive isolation of Helicobacter pylori from three antral biopsies. Little information is available on natural infection with gastric H. pylori ike organismsin (HPLO) swine. HPLO were isolated from a pig; polymerase chain reaction amplification with H. pylori specific primers indicated it was H. pylori.