188Based on simulations with barotropic depth-integrated models, the structure of tidal and storm-induced currents along the main shelf areas in the Norwegian-Greenland-Barents sea have been examined. Predictions have been made for the dominant diurnal and semidiurnal constituents and maps showing current ellipse and current vector rotation with a grid resolution of about 50 km are presented for the shelf west of Norway, the Barents Sea escarpment, and the Fram Strait region. Comparison between model predictions and current measurements have been made for key stations within each area and the agreement is found to be good. The results of the model simulations indicate that topographic shelf wave modes are important components of the diurnal tide. The effect of atmospheric forcing has also been examined and it is found that eddy structures are generated along the Norwegian Shelf and the Barents Sea escarpment by cyclones travelling over the shelf. The period of the current oscillations associated with these eddies are in the near-diurnal band (20 to 36 h) and the eddies are attributed to topographic shelf wave modes. Finally, the article summarizes some main results obtained by various other authors and draws some lines for future model development for the Norwegian-Greenland-Barents sea region.