Digestive gland was analyzed for both acid phosphatase (ACP) and ß-glucuronidase by counting histochemically demonstrable granules; tissue extracts were also assayed for ACP activity. Digestive gland tissue was quite stable as measured by the concentration of selected enzymes. Exposure to certain hydrocarbons in the water or by injection does not induce detectable histopathology. Therefore, hemolymph was examined for both quantitative and qualitative changes in protein content as well as the concentration of certain lysosomal enzymes and other metabolic enzymes. Total protein content of Mercenaria mercenaria hemolymph varies markedly among normal individuals sampled at one time and among groups of clams sampled at different times. Clams injected with corn oil or corn oil plus hydrocarbon have depressed ß-glucuromdase concentrations. Total hemolymph protein varies greatly in normal clams both between groups and within a single group when individuals are sampled at different times.