This chapter presents frameworks that should sharpen one's intellectual capability about managing telecommunications. It shows how these frameworks can be creatively applied to actually get something done. The frameworks are provided as a way to understand the parameters of effective technological management. These parameters include technology context, technology relevancy, competitive posture, technological learning, and organizational styles. The effective technological manager can quickly assess the "values" these parameters take on and see how they interact to create a unique but understandable technological environment. Telecommunications networks, data exchange, satellites, microwave, local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), switches, fiber optics, twisted pair, private branch exchanges (PBXs), cellular communications, transborder information automation, and a variety of telecommunications standards and proposed standards have all been thrown into a multiplicity of computing environments, creating a mixture that requires a whole new management orientation. Network managers are expected to provide key insights on telecommunications technology investment for their enterprises.