The method of preparing total parenteral nutrition (TPN) solutions will vary from hospital to hospital depending on various factors such as facilities available, types of patients and scope of the program. The manufacture of TPN solutions is most safely handled by the Pharmacy department. Space has to be sufficient to compound, store, and package TPN solutions. Special consideration should be given to the organization and construction of the space used for compounding. The containers of commercial stock solutions of amino acids, dextrose and electrolytes can become damaged during transportation. They must be carefully inspected for any defects such as wet or deformed cartons. Any damaged cartons, as well as those with defaced labels, should be returned to the manufacturer for credit or replacement. The preparation of TPN solutions demands the expertise of specially trained professional and nonprofessional personnel. The professional pharmacist, specialized in this area of pharmaceutical service, must have a thorough knowledge of aseptic technique and manufacturing procedures.