The use of registries in the healthcare has numerous reasons at different levels. A number of quality registries have been shown to improve the outcome of specific surgical procedures or healthcare of chronic diseases. Modern high-quality care of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is multi-professional involving gastroenterologists, colorectal surgeons, paediatric gastroenterologists, IBD nurses, pathologists, radiologists and nutritionists. The medical background covers areas like age and type of diagnosis as well as hereditary information. The registry includes medical background, endoscopy, medical and surgical interventions, follow-up data and patient experience reported measurement. At follow-up, data are recorded about medical treatment and surgical procedures, smoking status and, in children, growth charts. In the United Kingdom, a national registry has been developed to include patients going through reconstructive surgery with ileal pouches. The latest developments of registries are by on-line questionnaires where patients can report their symptoms via the internet or a smart-phone app.