Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the most important food crop and a carbohydrate source for more than half of the world’s population (Feng et al., 2013). Global rice consumption is expected to rise from 763 million t in 2020 to approximately 850 million t 2035 (Khush, 2013). Ever-increasing population,

environmental pollution, emergence of new races of pathogens and pests, and climate changes are the major issues that have threatened the food security and human health worldwide. Therefore, developing rice varieties with high yield and quality, durable resistance to pathogens and pests, and resilience to environmental fluctuations is the necessity of the hour to meet these problems. With gradual reduction in cropland area due to urbanization and industrialization, it is required to increase the productivity levels per unit area. Hence, increasing productivity on existing land can be an option to satisfy the growing demand for food worldwide.