This chapter lists and describes different treatment options with limited scientific evidence, including herbal remedies, oral supplements, physical devices, and other procedures. Alopecia and effluvium are often chronic, and the standard treatment options are time-consuming and not always satisfactory. They often target only one known aspect of the condition. Many patients are looking for alternative or additional treatment options. Some prefer to use natural or organic ingredients. Many hair loss treatments are based on traditional experience, others on new insights into hair physiology and hair aging. The problem is that their effect on hair growth is often unclear and not proven in a scientific way. This is partly due to the high regulatory standards and financial burden to perform proper clinical studies. It is therefore easier to market them as cosmetics or nutrional supplements. The lack of manufacturing standards and differences in concentration add to the uncertainty. In a hair clinic, patients will often ask for advice regarding these treatments, so physicians should be familiar with them. Table 16.1 lists these alternative treatments.