The overall aim of this book is to provide an overview of the current state of assessing and quantifying climate change and its socio-economic and environmental impacts through a lens of statistical and data sciences. One component of this discussion is to assess the methodologies for quantifying impacts of climate change on specific socio-economic and environmental outcomes that occur as a result of extreme events. However, before one can begin to examine the implications climate change is having on society through extreme events, it is essential to first determine whether the climate change impact on the extreme event in question can be quantified. Quantitatively connecting the impact of anthropogenic climate change on extreme events is the domain of the field of climate change event attribution, which examines whether climate change played a role in altering the risk of a specific event through a probabilistic approach. The field of event attribution will be the focus of this chapter with a review of the current state of attribution science, methodological approaches, 188communication of results, and a few recent developments in the field as well as future areas of research.