The International Association for Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE) was founded in 2006 to support this challenge and to create a fertile ground for promoting the study, research, and applications in the design, assessment, prediction, and optimal management of life-cycle performance, safety, reliability and risk of civil structures and infrastructure systems. The extended versions of selected papers presented at IALCCE 2014 and invited contributions are included in this special issue of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. Anirudh S. Rao in two sequential papers propose a simplified structural deterioration model for reinforced concrete bridge piers under cyclic loading and develop time-dependent fragility functions for deteriorating structures. Kiyoshi Kobayashi and Kiyoyuki Kaito present a big data-based deterioration prediction model and infrastructure management. Fabio Biondini and Dan M. Frangopol investigate failure loads and failure times of concrete structures exposed to corrosion and propose life-cycle performance indicators related to redundancy and elapsed times between sequential failures.