ABSTRACT: Despite the emphasis on internationalizing higher education, fewer than 7% of college-level students meet the basic standards for Cultural Intelligence (CQ) (LopesMurphy 2014). The present study intended to find the relationship between students’ CQ and the learned 2nd language and sought to determine the difference between Freshmen and Senior undergraduates of 5 different language majors. 198 participants were chosen through convenient sampling in a mixed method design in which the CQ conceptual questionnaire (Earley & Ang 2003) was utilized. The four components of CQ (i.e., metacognitive, cognitive, motivational, and behavioral) were analyzed quantitatively leading to no significant difference between freshmen and senior students. However, the cognitive and motivational component analysis showed a significant difference between the Russian and Farsi groups. The results illustrated a significant behavioral component difference between English and Farsi groups. The conclusion is that studying a foreign language proves to be positively correlated with some of the components of CQ.