Hops were probably first grown for brewing in Germany and the Czech Republic sometime between 1000 and 1200 AD. Apart from their obvious flavor benefits, the attraction of hops to early brewers appears to have been related to their preservative qualities, which were particularly relevant before the introduction of refrigeration. This chapter presents the classification of the hop plant (Humulus lupulus L.), used in brewing. The hop cones consist of a central strig on which develop petal-like structures called bracts and bracteoles. Hop bines are normally supported on strings (typically coir or polypropylene) or on fine wires, which are fixed between ground-anchored pegs and strong overhead wirework supported on tall wooden or concrete poles. In many temperate or maritime climates, irrigation is unnecessary but is increasingly being introduced to improve consistency and maximize yield. In late summer, when the hop cones have ripened, the hops are harvested.